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Before Romance…

My first Kindle Worlds story was “Carried Away” – which ended up in the Foreworld Saga of stories and was based on a series of Graphic Novels called Suffrajitsu – about Jiujitsu trained female bodyguards of the Suffrage movement… I was the one female author in the group selected to write, it was hard to watch the other authors joke about the fact that my story had ’emotions’ and ‘relationships’ like it was a detriment to the story…

I was also apparently the only one told to ‘keep it to 10K’ otherwise I would have written a longer story…

Still, I loved my little foray into the Edwardian Era and would love to go back… even without my ‘Amazons’ from the original graphic novel, I do love the Edwardian Era…

so we’ll see…



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