Dreams do come true!!
When 1001 Dark Nights posted their anthology call for stories with the theme “Who’s Your Prince?” I took it as a sign. I had just done a quick plot summary for a book called “Her Prince.” So I wrote a short story about the main characters in that book and sent it off to 1001 hoping for the best.
That’s all you can do as a writer. Craft the best story you can and then hope people like it! When I received an email from 1001, I gathered my self-composure and read it. They wanted my story in the anthology!!!
Holy cow! Sweetness!! Seriously?!
Today the anthology was released with 36 stories in it and I am so proud to be a part of it!!
I’m going to paste the post from Liz Berry, one of the powerhouses behind 1001 Dark Nights and a crazy awesome person on top of it… this is what she posted about the Anthology today:
I can’t even begin to share my excitement about today! 
M.j. Rose, Jillian Greenfield Stein, and I wanted to create something that would highlight amazing authors for readers to discover, and I think we met our goal!

So so honored to work with these 36 incredible romance writers!

Here’s the info about the FREE anthology:
1001 Dark Nights Press is excited to present the winners of the 2020 short story challenge…
When we started 1001 Dark Nights back in 2014, it was with the goal of discovery—creating a way for readers to find new-to-them bestselling authors and fall in love with their stories and their worlds.
This year, we held a contest where romance authors could submit a short story to be included in a 1001 Dark Nights anthology, and we were blown away by the results. We received hundreds of entries, and while we wish we could include everyone, we’re thrilled to introduce you to these thirty-six incredible authors:
Fiona Archer ~ Louisa Bacio ~ Laura M. Baird ~ Kait Ballenger ~ Asa Maria Bradley ~ Eden Bradley ~ Boone Brux ~ C.G. Burnette ~ Cara Carnes ~ Caraway Carter ~ Sierra Cartwright ~ S.A. Clayton ~ Katana Collins ~ Janie Crouch ~ Patricia D. Eddy ~ Zoey Ellis ~ Zoe Hill ~ Sara L. Hudson ~ Tracey Jerald ~ A.D. Justice ~ Terri E. Laine ~ Michelle Mars ~ Gina L. Maxwell ~ Kayt Miller ~ Dani René ~ Gen Ryan ~ Blue Saffire ~ Ella Sheridan ~ Mayra Statham ~ Delancey Stewart ~ Jen Talty ~ Mary Ting ~ Reina Torres ~ Magan Vernon ~ Jennifer Woodhull ~ Khloe Wren
We hope you love the stories as much as we do. If so, we encourage you to check out the other books by these wonderful authors. Each and every one is unique and special.
**This anthology will only be available for three months**

And this is the graphic made for me by their company! (They made one for each author and they are all fabulous!)